College · Funny · gifs

10 Gifs That Perfectly Explain Finals Week

With finals week coming to a close for most college students this past week, I decided to dedicate another blog to this crazy hectic and emotional week (or weeks) to remind everyone how happy and relieved we are that summer break is finally here. Too bad this torturous week happens twice in the school year in every year to come…


Trying to study but falling asleep because you’ve been up for 14 hours looking at the same book


Trying to think about what you should write your final paper on.


Mental break downs, everywhere and every day.


Trying to catch up on the chapters you never read that are on the exam.


Because face it, you put all your studying off until the day before.


It’s surprising how the brain somehow manages to function (somewhat) after hours and days of studying with no sleep


When you become overwhelmed with everything due because you procrastinated doing it all week.


Worrying about getting a good grade or passing the class.

break time

After five minutes of working on assignments.


Hating yourself for staying up all night studying.


Wishing all our readers luck on the rest of their finals this semester and every semester to come!

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